Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's What's In The Image That Counts?

It's safe to say we live in an image-driven culture, where image is usually prized above the substance underneath. I was recently disturbed to see a poster of Kobe Bryant (whose adulterous relationship was made very public a few years ago) hanging in the entrance to by sons' elementary school. It's not that Bryant should be shunned or condemned, it's just that a man who's had to hold a press conference announcing and apologizing for his adultery is not really one whose motivational poster belongs in an elementary school. But he looks good in a Lakers uniform (I guess) and performs well on the court, and for many, these are much weightier issues than moral character. 

So, in such an environment where image is king, how can Christians shift the focus to what really matters and keep ourselves from getting sucked into the hollow pursuit of image for its own sake? 

How do we teach our children about this? 


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