Sunday, February 22, 2009


What's the biggest obstacle in teaching and living a life of chastity?  Is the difficulty more inside us, or is it in the culture around us?


1 comment:

LindZ said...

I think it is almost entirely the culture that we are immersed in that influences that lack of chastity. A couple of weeks ago your (Mike's) sermon at the "Connections" service talked a lot about media influencing what it is that we think we need in life in order to be fulfilled and happy. I believe the media is mostly responsible for the diminished value of chastity and marriage. You cannot sit through an evening of network television without seeing multiple scenarios that involve casual sex or infidelity. When society is exposed to this so frequently people begin to see it as acceptable or normal. People who do not invest too much time in front of the TV are frequently "brainwashed" into complacency second-hand by those around them. Sadly many people - Christian and non-Christian - choose to take the easier path (go with the crowd) rather than the right path.