Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bethany Film Project (and sermon question)

For information about the Bethany Film Project.

See the link on the church's homepage at


Here's the question stemming from this week's sermon:

Why (and how) are references to Satan overused and abused by some Christians? Why do you think others neglect thinking about Satan at all?



Chris said...

Maybe when we recognize Satan's existence or become "discerning" about what an attack on us really looks like, then Satan begins feeding our minds with whispers of "could this be an attack too...???" So, if we're constantly asking ourselves, "could this be..." -are our eyes on God or are we looking at all the distraction Satan is causing instead?
Does anyone find the FULL Armor of God easy to read and understand, but more difficult to implement in reality when it's needed? Just curious...

Mike Mitchell said...

Chris, I think you hit it on the head. We should be aware of Satan's schemes, but not obsessed with them. If our attention is focused keenly and constantly on God, what greater protection can there be?

And yes, I think Ephesians 6 (like so many other things) is easier to read that to put into practice--this should drive us to pray more.