Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gwen's Story

What in Gwen's story about her experience in prayer struck you the most? 

Also, most of us know well the external factors that keep us distracted, like Martha doing kitchen work while Mary sat at Jesus' feet (Luke 10). But what are some internal factors that keep us from realizing the active and immediate presence of God? Maybe inner attitudes, or perhaps our secular culture has shaped our thinking in such a way that we've often trained ourselves not to see the supernatural, resulting in a cultivated blindness. 



Unknown said...

I just wanted to relay to you a comment my son had said after your sermon today. He said that all summer long at various events he has attended, a recurring bible story has come up: the story of the man being let down through the roof by his friends in order for Jesus to heal him. In fact 4-5 different times and events he has heard this story. But, he said that after hearing you speak about it, it was the first time he got it. Your explanation about the importance of spiritual healing before physical healing was great. Thanks for getting through to a 15 year old that I never know is listening or not!

M.joshua said...

Obviously, I didn't hear Gwen's story. But, I understand the described plight.

It's that consistent necessity to die to self and pickup where God wants us to that we constantly have to be coming back to. It's a constant struggle, but it's also part of the beauty of a relationship of agape-love: self-sacrifice for the sake of preferring the other.