Saturday, August 2, 2008

Real Life and Life's Real Meaning

This week the focus is on our desire to matter. No one is OK if they don't. Remember Viktor Frankl's observation in the Nazi concentration camp; there were two prisoners, one relatively healthy and robust, the other emaciated and apparently on the verge of death. Yet the the weaker one maintained a strong sense of purpose and lived, and the stronger had stopped believing his life had any significance and died.

This shows the depth of our need for purpose in life. We need to know we count for something, literally more than we need food and air.

The overwhelmingly wonderful thing about following Christ is that in doing so we experience the exact purpose for which we were created, and the complete fulfillment that comes with it.

But this is so frustratingly easy for Christians to lose site of. We are all vulnerable to falling for the idea that we can find real significance in life through some pursuit that's not related to God. And usually this happens without us realizing it.

Why is this so? What makes it so easy for us to anticipate fulfillment from things that won't deliver in the end, and drift away from the only One who will?


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