Saturday, October 11, 2008

Heaven Our True Home

If everyone realized that the good things in life, like good relationships and careers and hobbies, are very important, but were never meant to give us ultimate fulfillment, (they are inns to stop at on the way home, as Lewis says), and that our ultimate satisfaction comes only when we are with God in our true home (AKA Heaven), how would this change people? How would this change the crime rate? The divorce rate? Would it have any bearing on the current economic problems we've been hearing so much about on the news?

What do you think?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe if people grasped that our fulfillment is not supposed to be in the hear and now the world would be a completely different place. That mind set would have an affect on everything. But as it is now I believe as humans it is hard to grasp. Even if you hear it and believe it to be so with out realizing it you find yourself trying to find fulfillment in the things and people around you. Actually as I type this it is still trying to penetrate my thick skull that GOD is just that AWESOME that we carry that desire around with us for a lifetime. A desire to not only know him but to be with him. It blows my mind.