Saturday, October 4, 2008

Where Lies Our Security?

If given the choice, do you think most Americans would give up their freedoms of religion, speech and press, (say, to a dictator) in exchange for guaranteed economic and military security?

What perspective does the Bible (especially OT books like Hosea) give on this question? 



1 comment:

M.joshua said...

I think most would give-up themselves to a perceived security. In a nation that spends ungodly amounts of money on military "security"(more money than any other nation), whose to say there are fronts where we haven't already sold out?

In contrast, God has always called his people to be reliant on Himself, alone. This is a consistent theme throughout the OT especially. He frequently had to rebuke His people for running to military powers for strength.

Even Solomon wasn't wise enough to avoid it's lure. He built armies upon armies to maintain the Kingdom that he had, forgetting that God was His refuge and strength.